工作機會 @ FORTRESS豐澤



Management Trainee Program

The 18-month management trainee program consists of a balanced combination of on-the-job learning, mentoring by experienced executives, formal leadership training and real-life project work which target to cultivate and develop future managers.

You can acquire management capabilities and functional competences in different job functions, including O+O Retail Management, eCommerce, Trading, Marketing and Supply Chain through our mentoring program, store attachment, corporate training, and involvement in business projects.

You will be provided with excellent opportunities where you can shape your career in a dynamic O+O retail industry.

Come and Join Us!



屈臣氏集團零售學院正式成立於2018年3月;亦為首家由本地企業創立的零售學院,成立目的是配合集團的新零售時代發展。屈臣氏集團是零售業第一間機構為同事提供一系列全面及專業的資歷架構 (QF) 認可資歷課程。自 2013 年以來, 集團已推出 17 個 資歷架構 (2 級至 5 級) 課程,為旗下公司百佳超級市場、屈臣氏、豐澤及屈臣氏酒窖一共培訓了超過 4,500 多名員工。

零售學院在最近一次課程覆審中,將其中三個現有的零售課程重新編寫,並成為全香港首批獲得資歷架構認可的網上課程 (OLP),以科技推動員工終生學習,以回應長遠發展的需求。OLP 的特色是透過網上學習平台進行自主導向的學習活動及評估,以助同事發展事業及自我增值。


職位 地點 張貼日期
顧客服務顧問 全部 2024-03-27